Sunday, January 6, 2008 |
It's been a while |
I haven't updated in a bit. Life gets overwhelming sometimes with a toddler and an infant. Avery is now 9 months old. She's just gorgeous, and she favors her dad I believe. She is close to walking now, she cruises from one piece of furniture to another. Evan is 2 1/2 and so smart. He's so inquisitive and wants to know about everything around him. This is good and bad because a inquiring toddler is a mischievous toddler! I will try and update more often, I have a video camera now so I can start posting videos.
Evan at ESPN Zone

Avery in her Santa suit
posted by Beth @ 1:45 PM  |
Thursday, August 30, 2007 |
Busy busy bee! |
Ahhh yes, it has been a while! (Thanks Jenine) Since school has started I have been extremely busy. I get up at the crack of dawn, feed both kids, eat breakfast, shower and go drop the babies off at daycare. Then it's off too work from 8-4, pick up the kids come home, dinner, baths, play a bit and bedtime! Whew! Throw moving in there at the end of September and things will be VERY crazy! Can't wait!
School has been so much better this year. Last year I had so many behavior problems in one class it was overwhelming. This year my kids are much more well behaved and I only have the usual, "I miss my mommy" and "Is it time to play yet?". I love Kindergarten, so much fun! I can't wait until my kids get there!
Not much else new...I have been having some supply issues since I returned to work, it really bites because I don't want to have to supplement but I see that road ahead if things don't improve soon. I'm barely pumping enough and she's hungry by the time I pick her up! I've tried the gatorade and all but if anyone else reading has some suggestions please comment! I'm desperate!
Pictures soon....I have to get my self in bed! 1 more day until my 3 day weekend!
Thought for the day: We lift ourselves by our thought, we climb upon our vision of ourselves. If you want to enlarge your life, you must first enlarge your thought of it and of yourself. Hold the ideal of yourself as you long to be, always, everywhere - your ideal of what you long to attain - the ideal of health, efficiency, success. Orison Swett Marden (1850 - 1924) |
posted by Beth @ 9:17 PM  |
Monday, August 6, 2007 |
33 Things I Want to do Before I Die |
I know I may never complete all of these...but won't it be fun trying?
1. Lose weight and keep it off 2. Write a book and have it published 3. Travel to Europe and see the castles and many many other things that intrigue me over there. 4. Buy a piece of land in Tennessee. 5. Visit Hawaii and learn to 6. Bellydance, on a stage, in front of people. 7. Buy a house 8. See Niagra Falls 9. Visit Lake Tahoe 10. Go to Disney 11. Become debt free 12. Visit the Mayan Ruins 13. Go Down Under (Australia) 14. Become a avid bike rider and take the kids for rides too 15. Visit the White House and tour it 16. Learn another language 17. Visit each of the 7 continents 18. Study a new religion 19. Go ghost hunting with TAPS 20. Volunteer in a nursing home 21. Participate in a marathon 22. Participate in a protest of something I feel passionate about 23. Swim in the ocean naked 24. Visit a nudist beach/colony 25. Live in the South US 26. Visit the Amazon 27. Plant a Garden and eat the fruits it bears 28. Let go of my attatchment to material things and live a simpler life 29. Spend some time with an Amish family 30. Teach my children that life is to precious to waste a single moment being angry or resentful 31. Become a better photographer 32. Spend a week in solitude 33. Be at peace with my past.
Well that was very theraputic. It's great to would be even better if in the next few years I can begin crossing some of these off. Nothing in life is guarenteed except for death and this moment we have right now.
posted by Beth @ 9:13 PM  |
Saturday, August 4, 2007 |
4 months |
The princess is 4 months old...could she get any prettier?
 Wasn't she just like this?
posted by Beth @ 9:36 AM  |
Friday, August 3, 2007 |
Public Breastfeeding |
Yesterday at the aquarium I was ready. Ready for anyone to dare say to me I couldn't nurse my child in public. While I try to be discreet, there are always the people who will think it is wrong. So I was prepared with my "I have the right to feed my child wherever I like" speech. Luckily I didn't need to use it.
 However, I did come across two things, the first being a mother pumping in the bathroom. She was in the stall next to me and I could clearly hear her pump going "beep-beep-beep" or somethings similar to that. I hope that she didn't feel that she couldn't feed her child in public and was pumping for some other reason. The other thing I came across was absolutely beautiful. We stopped and rested for a while in front of the dolphin tank. It feels like you are underwater with them, watching them glide back and forth. There was one dolphin considerably smaller than the rest, which I assume was the calf. The calf was swimming very closely with a bigger dolphin and it took me a few minutes to realize what was happening...the calf was nursing from it's mother. Now I have never seen this and I thought it was beautiful to watch. From Nursing process: Female dolphins posses two mammal glands which produce a rich milk to nourish her young. The calf feeds on this milk by placing its rostrum against one of the two mammal slits located on the ventral surface of the mother's body. It then cups its tongue around the nipple which lies beneath the mammary slit. A tight seal is formed between the calf's tongue and the mother's nipple. The mother can physically eject milk into the calves mouth to help speed the nursing process. This is very helpful since the whole process takes place under water while both animals hold their breath. So I was thinking why it that we have become so ashamed of nursing in public? Why are we one of the only countries in the world where people think that breastfeeding is gross? I know these questions have been raised a million times and I am not going to debate anything here...I just don't get why the most natural thing in the world is so offensive to some people. Would these same people be grossed out what their cat had kittens and nursed them, etc? I surely wasn't offended by the dolphins, and no one around me seemed to be either. I even took some video of one of the dolphins and will try and upload it later.
And to add to this cartoon below, how true! I saw more harsh discipline than I care for, and no nursing.
posted by Beth @ 11:06 AM  |
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Name: Beth
About Me: 29 years young
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