Thursday, August 9, 2007 |
Averianna had her 4 month check up today. She's 16lbs 8oz and 16 3/4 inches tall! What a big girl! We also got her meds for reflux changed so hopefully we will see some improvement there soon.! Everything else was great, she's healthy and right on track.

Evan is talking more and more each day. He must add like 3-5 new words a day to his vocabulary. He is also starting to sing some of his favorite songs, like The Wheels on the Bus. His version: "Sweesh sweesh sweesh, sweesh sweesh sweesh, all through town!" it's adorable!
I only have a week before I have to go back to work, I am dreading it (leaving my babies) and looking forward to it (I love Kindergarteners!). I got my class list on Tuesday and I have 14 kids, not bad at all! 4 of them are siblings of children I have had previous years which makes my life a little bit easier since I already know the parents.
I am looking forward to Saturday, we are taking Evan to Hershey Park. I got tickets through the education association with my work. Here's hoping for no rain!

The other day we went to North Point Beach with Ken's mom

Evan got to feed some baby ducks!

There was a beautiful momma duck sitting in a flower pot in a flower pot on the dock. She had a nest to protect! She didn't like it when I got too close and started hissing at me!

posted by Beth @ 12:46 PM  |
she is a doll!!! I love the ducky pics :-) Only a week away til school starts already? we have 3 weeks to go, I have not accomplished anything as far as school shopping yet!
She is gorgeous! Have a great time at Hershey!
Way to grow 'em Mama. She is a cutie. I hope the new meds work. I know what it is like trying out all the reflux meds.
She's so cute!!! Adam was looking at the blog earlier and started blowing kisses at her!
As an unrelated PS: I went to the blogger template site you use but when I put it on my new blog the screen is all green and my blog typing is gone?! Any thoughts?
I keep looking for updates, we need some updates girl!! ;) Hope all is well !
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she is a doll!!! I love the ducky pics :-) Only a week away til school starts already? we have 3 weeks to go, I have not accomplished anything as far as school shopping yet!