Monday, August 6, 2007
33 Things I Want to do Before I Die
I know I may never complete all of these...but won't it be fun trying?

1. Lose weight and keep it off
2. Write a book and have it published
3. Travel to Europe and see the castles and many many other things that intrigue me over there.
4. Buy a piece of land in Tennessee.
5. Visit Hawaii and learn to
6. Bellydance, on a stage, in front of people.
7. Buy a house
8. See Niagra Falls
9. Visit Lake Tahoe
10. Go to Disney
11. Become debt free
12. Visit the Mayan Ruins
13. Go Down Under (Australia)
14. Become a avid bike rider and take the kids for rides too
15. Visit the White House and tour it
16. Learn another language
17. Visit each of the 7 continents
18. Study a new religion
19. Go ghost hunting with TAPS
20. Volunteer in a nursing home
21. Participate in a marathon
22. Participate in a protest of something I feel passionate about
23. Swim in the ocean naked
24. Visit a nudist beach/colony
25. Live in the South US
26. Visit the Amazon
27. Plant a Garden and eat the fruits it bears
28. Let go of my attatchment to material things and live a simpler life
29. Spend some time with an Amish family
30. Teach my children that life is to precious to waste a single moment being angry or resentful
31. Become a better photographer
32. Spend a week in solitude
33. Be at peace with my past.

Well that was very theraputic. It's great to would be even better if in the next few years I can begin crossing some of these off. Nothing in life is guarenteed except for death and this moment we have right now.
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posted by Beth @ 9:13 PM  
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Name: Beth
About Me: 29 years young

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